In a two-parent home, it’s common for each of you to have different strengths and challenges when it comes to parenting. For example, one of you may be volatile, while the other is more even-tempered. Or maybe your partner is consistent with discipline and you are the ‘soft touch’.
Take advantage of each others’ strengths. If you are inconsistent and not effective at following through on consequences, hand it off to your partner. This is too important to let your ego get in the way. There is no shame. Think of it as a safety net of sorts for providing your kids with limits and growing responsibility.
Talk it over. Decide who will be the enforcer. If it’s not you, take a back seat. Be more of an observer, and chime in to show your support.
Quotable Quotes:
Keeping the Big Picture in mind is one of the most important things parents can do, and also one of the hardest. ~ T. Berry Brazelton ~
Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you. ~ Robert Fulghum ~